mercoledì 27 febbraio 2008

lavorare per mangiare

E siccome a me mangiare piace assai, ho lavorato come un'imbecille per tre ore e mezza.

Come un'imbecille poiché per fare una cosa riassumibile con la formula 2+2=4, io ho applicato saggiamente la formula

z = {[(56783409/87+987)*y>8/959]+[x-0,0003-->0,9+(777/409*648+yy)]}

che non so se abbia un senso, ma io di certo no.

Questo mette indubbiamente in dubbio seppur con riserva la mia autostima sul QI che mi pertiene, menomale che sono figa come la mia sosia Andrea.

Cielo, che cogliona.
Io, non lei.

2 commenti:

Lillo ha detto...

Dear Little Lunch, don't take it bad (like my friend Paul used to say). Math isn't for everyone, maybe you're better at something else, like... well... yeah grammar. You're OBVIOUSLY better at grammar, your posts talk for you.

Hope to find you better next time.

Best Regards,

Pappina ha detto...

Dear Laillo, yes, I realized math is not for everyone when I was 14 yrs old and had to have an extra math examination in September. Thanks for your kindness about the posts I write.

At the end my hard work was appreciated, I'm very happy about that, so much that I forgot all the bad words which went out from my kind mouth yesterday night...